Friday, September 19, 2008

ah the big round eastern guy and my theories on dog training

Why most relationships in life (love, friendship, work, parental, neighborly, consumer, etc) are complicated and fraught with miscommunication and misunderstandings. Could it be the expectation thing? Maybe. I don't appreciate being expected to..... fill in the blank. Can't I just BE.

Have I mentioned that I love my dog? She doesn't expect. Together we just are. Since I stopped expecting her to behave a certain way and stopped disciplining her when she wasn't ...amazingly she has blossomed into a better companion than I had even first hoped. Out from the expectation of who I thought she should be, she became who she is.... which is remarkable.

As my teacher, I bask in her guidance. She is the trainer and I am her oft disobedient pupil. I struggle with the lessons. She is a smart one... with a wise ass grin and one hell of a wiggle.

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